
One of the most important values of Joy Lutheran is our mission to reach the world and our community. We have many options for you to find your Joy.  Church members are involved in a variety of ministries, starting as simply as greeting members to serving on the Leadership Team. 
What are you passionate about? 
Our ministries echo our Mission Statement and are categorized by



The Message of Jesus lives on in the children and youth of our church. Creating a fun, exciting, safe environment to teach Jesus’ ways to our youth is our full-time mission. Our Nursery, Sunday School, Confirmation and VBS  are the lifeblood of Joy. Do you have any skills or experience with teaching?

At Joy Lutheran creating a sense of belonging and community is our goal for our congregation and guests. Welcome Home is our motto and our Welcome Home Team is in charge of making that connection happen with our guests. Are you outgoing & friendly? Join our Team and help us Welcome Home or congregation.


Joy Lutheran is thrilled to be part of the spread of God’s kingdom around the world and our community. We’re serious
about helping.
Here are some
current programs: 


Hospitality is a tenant of Christian beliefs. We echo this by providing food, service & fellowship to our members and visitors. This ministry ensures our monthly potlucks kick off perfectly, the parties we have pop and all hospitality events are enjoyed! Do you have experience with event planning or enjoy serving missions for those in need…this ministry is for you! 



Whole congregation involvement in our worship is something we strive for. Many church members get involved in our music and drama ministry. Some play their instruments. Some are vocalists. Others are involved in the choir or play handbells.  These volunteers are vital to our service and create an outlet for your creativity we want and need!
In this fast-paced world we are able to reach more people with social media & our LiveStream Services. Are you great at Twitter or Instagram? Can you use a soundboard and create a stage presence that gets more attention?  If so, we need your help our message of Jesus  to go further!


Do you like to pray for others? Prayer moves the hand of God to bring about change in our
needs, situations and desires.
Each Sunday Prayer Request forms are submitted to the Pastor, who prays over them
during the service. These requests are collected and make up the Prayer List for the
Prayer Ministry team, which lifts them to God individually in corporate prayer the first
Tuesday of each month at 5:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall. The prayer intercessors
continue to pray for these requests throughout the month and until there is a resolution.

Joy Prayer Request